Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!!! My hope is that it will be your happiest and healthiest one yet!

One key to making this happen...NO MORE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!!!!!! Yes, you read that right.  Stop making them!!! I made one years ago and have stuck with it ever resolution was to never make one again.  "But Michelle", you are thinking "how else will I reach my goals?"
Well, I didn't say that you couldn't or shouldn't make changes and aim for your goals, but it is absurd to think that just because it it January 1 (or a Monday or any other arbitrary day) you will somehow magically stick with those changes.  Why do you think that only 10% of the people that make resolutions actually stick to them?? Because they were the only ones READY to make the changes!!!! The fact is, you will stick to them when you are READY.  So if you feel you are ready to do it today, well then do it. If you felt you were motivated and ready on December 27th, then you should have started it then...and not waited until may have lost that spark of motivation and deep desire to attain your goal.  If you are ready 2 months from now well do it then.  My point? Making resolutions when you are not ready to embrace them is a sure fire recipe for disaster and just plain stupid.  Not only will you fail to stick with the plan, you will be much less likely to attempt that (or any other) change in the future.


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